Aim to meet the needs for staff as client, the organization and/or family members

Meeting Objectives:

•    Define the role of the Employee Assistance Professional
•    Review the Ethical Issues and Codes of Conduct
•    Discuss the complications and ethical decision making of the Employee Assistance Professional.

The goal of our Well-being programme is to promote positive personal development through work and help employees to achieve their highest potential in the workplace. Work is an essential ingredient of life and provides meaning and structure in our lives.

But sometimes the balance between work and other life events is disrupted, and re-establishing the balance becomes an urgent objective. The well-being programme is delivered to ensure the welfare of employees. Implicit in their personal sense of well-being is a need for them to feel that their families are safe and secure. This programme therefore will also cover the spouse of employees, together with their children.

The programme can sometimes extend to customers and clients. There are some emergency occasions when customers or clients are caught up in organizational trauma and need counselling. We have already provided therapeutic counselling to customers who have been caught up in violent circumstances and the customers appreciated this trauma counselling. This can be an additional component to the programme. In addition, other groups have been included at the specific request of management.

We have also provided counselling services to policemen who have been shot, also bereavement counselling to families when one policeman died. The point of entry into the programme is by self-referral or by management. Contact can be through either, a 24/7 dedicated telephone line or contacting one of KAPC’s offices. The first session establishes the reason for contact and an assessment is made and an individual response given.

The programme delivers:   

  • Personal development counselling
  • Stress management
  • Crisis counselling
  • Trauma counselling
  • Dependency addiction counselling
  • HIV/AIDS testing, counselling and medical services

It is delivered through:

  • 24 hour telephone counselling
  • Face-to-face counselling
  • Group Counselling

It is delivered to:   

  • Employees
  • Spouse and children
  • Customers and Identified Individuals

It is delivered by: 

  • Chartered Counsellor®

It is delivered at:

The services will be delivered at the Association’s offices in either Nairobi, Kisumu, Mombasa or Eldoret depending on which office is closest. In addition, convenient personal contacts can be arranged with our counsellors nation wide. The venue should be a suitable place given the need for confidentiality, comfort and security.

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