The course is open to people who are interested in developing professional counselling skills in marriage and family therapy. The course is either one-month full-time or 3-months part-time held in the evenings. Each course has a group of twelve participants facilitated by 2 professionally qualified trainers. The use of the internet is an integral part of the course and participants will be provided with their own web space.


This course is both theoretical and practical. The theoretical aspects are based upon the psychological theories that form the foundation of marriage and family therapy. Contemporary marriage and family issues are explored and explained using various theoretical models.

The practical aspects focus on self-exploration and self-awareness. Participants reflect upon their life experiences in order to gain a better understanding of “who they are”.

The practical skills and techniques of counselling are developed in groups of three participants. These small groups give ample opportunity for participants to learn and practice counselling skills and techniques.

During the course participants are encouraged to actively contribute to the learning environment. At the end of the course participants submit a video recording of a counselling session which gives evidence of their practical skills. A written commentary accompanies the recording, describing how the theories of counselling are utilised during the session.


  • Minimum KCSE C-
  • Certificate, Diploma, Higher Diploma or above qualification
  • Counselling work experience involving couples and families.

Participants who successfully satisfy the course objectives are awarded a KAPC’s certificate in Marriage and Family Therapy.

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